Tuesday, January 27, 2015

The End of My Journey

January 16, 2015, today is the day that I'm praying to receive some great news. I have a follow-up appointment with my plastic surgeon to see how I'm healing from my last surgery. As he examined me, he stated that my new boobs look great and I will not need anymore surgeries. I was extremely happy with this news. I can resume normal activities without restrictions and I can go bra shopping. Now, that I've finally reached the end of my breast cancer journey, all I want to do is focus on living like I've never lived before. God is amazing. My journey was tough but I was tougher. I Survived Breast Cancer...The End!!! 


December 8, 2014, I'm heading back to Mercy Medical hospital. Today, I'm getting another surgery performed to make revisions to my new boobs. Every time I have to come through these doors, I become emotional. These surgeries has made a major impact on my body. It's harder now for me to sleep, I've lost some feeling in certain areas of my body due to nerve damage, and the pain is mentally taking a toll on me. As I calmed my nerves with positive thoughts, it was time for me to get prepped for my surgery. This surgery isn't going to be as long as the others and that was a relief. As the nurse went over my lab results, I was informed that my potassium was low again and I began to get sad. I'm still having a hard time controlling my potassium levels but soon enough, they will get better. Due to this news, I had to get my potassium rechecked and guess what, it was back to normal, yes. I instantly became happy. So now, everything was fast pace. I went back to have my surgery, started counting down from ten, and when I opened my eyes, I was in the recovery room. This has been one of fastest surgeries I've received throughout my journey. Well, my new boobs look fabulous and I love the results. 

One Year Anniversary

November 19, 2014, today is the one year anniversary of me being in remission. My heart is filled with so much joy to be able to see this day. I've cried and thanked God so much when I opened my eyes this morning. One year down, plenty more to go. I kicked breast cancer's ass.