Sunday, February 2, 2014

11th Chemo Treatment

January 24, 2014, today I received my eleventh chemo treatment and I was so tired. I received my eighth radiation treatment earlier today and now it was time for this. As I waited patiently, I finally got called into the back. This was the first time I had an evening appointment and it was very empty for a Friday afternoon. Once I entered the back, I was given my medications to take by mouth and then the nurse was going to collect my blood. As she began to setup, she told me that she was recently diagnosed with breast cancer and my heart dropped. Every time someone tells me they have cancer, of any type, I get sad. This disease is horrible and life changing. As she discussed her treatment plan with me, I could sense that she was hurting. She then asked me questions about my course of treatment and I told her everything. She told me that she hasn't discussed this with any other patient but my strength inspired her to tell me and I felt honored. Once my treatment was over, she told me that I wouldn't be seeing her on my next visit. I told her not to worry, fight, and that God will guide her along the way. Cancer is ruining so many wonderful lives. 

1st Radiation Treatment

January 15, 2014, today was my first radiation treatment and I was mentally ready. The nurses took some more measurements and drew more markings on my body again. As I laid on the table, my mind began to wonder and before it got out of control, it was over. The machine scanned my left chest area along with my armpit. It was easy and painless. This appointment was the best. After today, I have to come everyday, Monday-Friday, to receive my treatments. So far, this is the easiest part of my journey. I'm smiling. 

No Radiation Today

January 13, 2014, today I was suppose to receive my first radiation treatment but it didn't happen. I had to get refitted for the radiation machine due to my fillers having too much fluid in them. I had to go back to Plastic Surgery to have them extract 50cc of fluid from my right filler, which was very easy and painless. Apart of me was a little disappointed but I wasn't mentally ready anyway. As I come closer to the end of my journey, I'm becoming very mentally tired. I'm not ready for my skin to be burned and sore, or for me to start feeling fatigue. I've come so far in my journey but it still feels so long.