Thursday, October 24, 2013

Biopsy/Genetic Testing

June 19, 2013, still moving right along. Since my PET/CT showed that the cancer had spread to my lymph nodes on my left side, I had to get them biopsied. This biopsy was painful but of course I didn't complain. Since this day was full of appointments, I also had to do genetic testing. Since my families kept things like having cancer a secret, I'm not quite sure if it's hereditary but as for now I'm the first and only person on both sides of my family that developed breast cancer. I got chosen to be the lucky one. Genetic testing is when the lab examines my DNA to see if any of my strands have any mutations. A mutation is when any of my DNA letters don't match up, which causes a mutations that could result as a positive result and this will determine what type of additional surgery that will need to be performed. There were three levels of positive results but I don't remember them all. I do remember that if I had a positive result, in addition to getting my breast removed, I would also have to have my uterus and ovaries removed as well but if negative, no additional surgeries are needed and then we have no clue to why I developed breast cancer. After hearing the doctor state the conclusion if my results came back positive or negative really made me nervous. 

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