Wednesday, October 23, 2013

My Story

On June 5, 2013, I was diagnosed with having stage 3, HER2+ breast cancer, that has spread to my lymph nodes. I'm a 31yr. old single mom, of an awesome 8yr. old boy. I went undiagnosed for an entire year due to my physician believing that my lump in my left breast was just a cyst without recommending any other type of screening. I discovered my lump at home while performing my monthly self-check breast exam. I didn't start to notice any major changes in my left breast until after my birthday on May 10, 2013. I began to get sick from another illness when I raised concern to another physician about my breast. From that point on, my entire life changed. Doctor visits upon doctor visits and so on. This journey thus far has been very challenging but with all the support from my family, friends, associates, and strangers, I'm gracefully holding on. I'm fighting this battle everyday and now I'm just patiently waiting to say..."I'm A Survivor"


  1. I follow you on Instagram and you're such an inspiration. My cousin and mom were both diagnosed with breast cancer last year and my cousin is going through the same thing you're. You guys are amazing!

    1. I apologize for the late response but I'm very sad to hear about your family members. It saddens me that so many people are being diagnosed with this awful disease. Tell your family members to hang in there and fight. Giving Up or Giving In in not an option. God bless you and them. Much love.
