Saturday, November 23, 2013

2nd Chemo Treatment

July 19, 2013, today was the day that I received my second chemo treatment. So far, the treatments haven't been as bad as I thought but I also have to remember that I'm still healthy for the most part. Everyone around me has been pulling their weight to help me by taking me to and from my chemo treatments. After my treatments, I usually don't start to feel really sick until I give myself my Neulasta injection. This injection is administered the day after my treatment and given in my stomach. This medication helps rebuild my white blood cells that the chemo has destroyed. The side-effects from this medicine really makes me sick. My bones ache and its very hard for me to walk. It makes me very lightheaded and I did have an occurrence when I passed-out. I'm learning more and more everyday about this godawful disease but I will not give up the fight. I'm hanging in there.

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