Thursday, November 7, 2013

I'm Losing My Hair

July 12, 2013, this is the day that my hair started coming out from the chemo. I wasn't upset that this was happening because I was more focused on getting healthy. The more I thought about it, I began to wonder "I'm finally about to look like I'm sick" but that wasn't true. I got a hair cut the next day and I have to admit, I finally saw my face for the first the time and I was even more beautiful then before. Cancer was still losing and I was winning. Hair or No Hair, I still rock. 


  1. Your fervor really amazes me, Anglecia! And I agree -- you still rock, despite your very short hair! And what made it even more remarkable is that it made your face glow. It looks like you don’t have any worries at all! Cheers!

    Glenn Lowe @ Knight and Sanders

    1. Thanks so much. I actually kept my short because I really like it now. After everything that I've been through, no, I don't have any worries and I'm happier than ever.
