Wednesday, March 19, 2014

13th Chemo Treatment

March 7, 2014, it's that time again as always, chemo number thirteen. This chemo treatment I had a guest with me, my good friend Sink. Sink is one of the many people who went out of there way to help me during my journey. I wanted him to attend this chemo treatment with me so that he can get a visual of what I actually go through. A lot of my friends read what I post about my treatments but actually being with me is different. When it was time for me to go and see my oncologist during my treatment, he accompanied me to that appointment as well. As my oncologist went over everything with me, he stated that I will be starting a new medication today, called Tamoxifen. My oncologist gave me this look because he know that I don't like taking medication but I have to in order to prevent my cancer from coming back. As he went over the side-effects to the medication, I couldn't help but to be impressed at how active Sink was involved with receiving the information as well. Throughout my journey, God has placed some wonderful people in my life, and I truly appreciate each and every one of them. My friends rock.

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