Tuesday, January 27, 2015

The End of My Journey

January 16, 2015, today is the day that I'm praying to receive some great news. I have a follow-up appointment with my plastic surgeon to see how I'm healing from my last surgery. As he examined me, he stated that my new boobs look great and I will not need anymore surgeries. I was extremely happy with this news. I can resume normal activities without restrictions and I can go bra shopping. Now, that I've finally reached the end of my breast cancer journey, all I want to do is focus on living like I've never lived before. God is amazing. My journey was tough but I was tougher. I Survived Breast Cancer...The End!!! 


December 8, 2014, I'm heading back to Mercy Medical hospital. Today, I'm getting another surgery performed to make revisions to my new boobs. Every time I have to come through these doors, I become emotional. These surgeries has made a major impact on my body. It's harder now for me to sleep, I've lost some feeling in certain areas of my body due to nerve damage, and the pain is mentally taking a toll on me. As I calmed my nerves with positive thoughts, it was time for me to get prepped for my surgery. This surgery isn't going to be as long as the others and that was a relief. As the nurse went over my lab results, I was informed that my potassium was low again and I began to get sad. I'm still having a hard time controlling my potassium levels but soon enough, they will get better. Due to this news, I had to get my potassium rechecked and guess what, it was back to normal, yes. I instantly became happy. So now, everything was fast pace. I went back to have my surgery, started counting down from ten, and when I opened my eyes, I was in the recovery room. This has been one of fastest surgeries I've received throughout my journey. Well, my new boobs look fabulous and I love the results. 

One Year Anniversary

November 19, 2014, today is the one year anniversary of me being in remission. My heart is filled with so much joy to be able to see this day. I've cried and thanked God so much when I opened my eyes this morning. One year down, plenty more to go. I kicked breast cancer's ass. 

Thursday, August 21, 2014

New Boobs

August 6, 2014, today I will be having my reconstruction surgery.  Back in April, I couldn't have my surgery due to me developing a blood clot but now I can.  I was extremely nervous this time because I wasn't ready to be in pain again.  This surgery was scheduled to be 6-8 hours long. The procedure that I was having done is called the DIEP Flap.  My plastic surgeon will be reconstructing the fat with its blood vessels and some of my skin from my tummy to give me new boobs.  I was told that only a few doctors are able to perform this surgery and I was blessed with one that could.  I recovered greatly from the surgery and in less than 24 hours, I was walking around.  I had to remain in the hospital for three days to recover.  With only knowing about the chemo part of my breast cancer journey, I didn't expect for the reconstruction to be this extensive.  I have to have 2-3 touch up surgeries/procedures performed to make my new boobs look as natural as possible.  My next procedure is scheduled for December 8, 2014 and I can honestly say, I can't wait.  So far, I'm loving the results, and I'm excited to have my new life, new boobs, and new tummy.  My journey isn't over just yet. To be continued...

Last Chemo Treatment #18

June 20, 2014, the end has finally arrived.  I received my last chemo treatment today, Yes! I'm filled with so much joy.  This has truly been a long year.  It felt great to see all of the nurses smiling faces today. Everyone gave me hugs, smiles, and gifts. I defeated the poison that helped me and destroyed me. I fought through all of the horrible side effects of my many chemo drugs, to be able to say, I Made It! Since this day was so special to me, I asked all of my followers, friends, and family to wear pink again in support of me and I called this day, Glee's Pink Friday.  Today was truly a celebration. I held back as many tears as I possibly could but eventually I broke down. I couldn't stop smiling as the many tears of gratefulness rolled down my face. I defeated a horrible disease that was supposed to kill me but it didn't.  God wasn't ready for me so now it's time for me to live.  My new life awaits me. 

Red Devils 5k

June 8, 2014, today Kelly and I are participating in the Red Devils 5k race to help support families with breast cancer.  This was one of the many organizations that helped me financially during my journey.  I felt honored to be able to participate in this 5k because it showed me that I've made it to the finish line. This organization is called the Red Devils because of one of the chemo medications. I was shocked to see that this organization turnout wasn't as big or even bigger than Susan G. Komen due to them giving funds directly to the patients as apposed to SGK giving money to research.  Well, the turnout was nice, I didn't run the entire race, I walked some, but Kelly and I had an awesome time.  It felt good to be able to give back.

Susan G Komen "Race for The Cure"

April 13, 2014, today is the day that I will be running in the Susan G. Komen Race for The Cure for breast cancer patients in Ocean City, MD.  I was so excited to be here because I never ran a 5k before and I was ready. With being a breast cancer survivor, I participated in the "Survivors Parade," enjoyed the many give a ways at the "Survivors Tent," and had the opportunity to meet one of the organizations that helped me financially throughout my journey. As the race began, I got nervous, even though I trained for this. As I ran, I felt so proud. It felt amazing to feel like my normal self again after the battle that I faced the year before.  I ran, I smiled, and I admired the strength and support of the other runners and my friends. After completing 2.5 miles non-stop, I began to get tired, but I didn't give up, I kept running.  I completed  the race, my first 5k in 34 minutes. Besides kicking cancer's ass and winning, this moment felt just as good. Cancer can take so much away but it feels even greater when you get everything plus more back. Today was a blessing.