Thursday, August 21, 2014

Last Chemo Treatment #18

June 20, 2014, the end has finally arrived.  I received my last chemo treatment today, Yes! I'm filled with so much joy.  This has truly been a long year.  It felt great to see all of the nurses smiling faces today. Everyone gave me hugs, smiles, and gifts. I defeated the poison that helped me and destroyed me. I fought through all of the horrible side effects of my many chemo drugs, to be able to say, I Made It! Since this day was so special to me, I asked all of my followers, friends, and family to wear pink again in support of me and I called this day, Glee's Pink Friday.  Today was truly a celebration. I held back as many tears as I possibly could but eventually I broke down. I couldn't stop smiling as the many tears of gratefulness rolled down my face. I defeated a horrible disease that was supposed to kill me but it didn't.  God wasn't ready for me so now it's time for me to live.  My new life awaits me. 

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