Thursday, August 21, 2014

New Boobs

August 6, 2014, today I will be having my reconstruction surgery.  Back in April, I couldn't have my surgery due to me developing a blood clot but now I can.  I was extremely nervous this time because I wasn't ready to be in pain again.  This surgery was scheduled to be 6-8 hours long. The procedure that I was having done is called the DIEP Flap.  My plastic surgeon will be reconstructing the fat with its blood vessels and some of my skin from my tummy to give me new boobs.  I was told that only a few doctors are able to perform this surgery and I was blessed with one that could.  I recovered greatly from the surgery and in less than 24 hours, I was walking around.  I had to remain in the hospital for three days to recover.  With only knowing about the chemo part of my breast cancer journey, I didn't expect for the reconstruction to be this extensive.  I have to have 2-3 touch up surgeries/procedures performed to make my new boobs look as natural as possible.  My next procedure is scheduled for December 8, 2014 and I can honestly say, I can't wait.  So far, I'm loving the results, and I'm excited to have my new life, new boobs, and new tummy.  My journey isn't over just yet. To be continued...

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