Thursday, January 9, 2014

8th Chemo Treatment / Drainage Tubes

November 22, 2013, today I will be receiving my eighth chemo treatment (Herceptin only) and having my drainage tubes removed from my chest, I'm nervous as hell. All I could think about is the pain that I'm about to endure from the tubes being removed. I had two drainage tubes, one on each side of my breast area, to collect the excess fluid build-up in my chest cavity. I had to drain each bulb daily to keep track of the amount of fluid that accumulated but my right drain wasn't draining properly. Even though all of the fluid  wasn't excreted from my body via the drains, I had to get a needle inserted into the cavity to remove it. As I waited patiently and nervously for this to happen, I calmed myself by thinking of other things. Once it was time to have my drains removed, I was ready. It turned out not to be as bad as I expected. I was happy. No More Tubes!!!

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