Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Blood Transfusion

October 16, 2013, since my red blood count has dropped even lower during my last chemo treatment, my oncologist wanted me to come back in to receive fluids and to get my blood redrawn. If my red blood count came back below normal, I would have to have a blood transfusion. We all have our beliefs and I just didn't agree with receiving a blood transfusion if I needed it. I started to get depressed but I had to figure out a way to beat it. I researched foods that increased red blood cell count and I tried them. The number one food that increased it significantly was beef liver and I didn't like that either, but I ate it. I ate it for two days and I prayed so hard that it had increased. In addition to the liver, I also ate beets, which I love. So, I waited patiently for my results, and long and behold, my numbers increased. I didn't need a blood transfusion and I cried. 

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