Wednesday, January 8, 2014


November 4, 2013, today I went to the hospital for my pre-op appointment. The nurse began to look over my paperwork to see what test I've already completed so that she wouldn't be performing the same test twice. As she reviewed the results, she stated to me that I was anemic. I'm really getting tired of having all of these health problems from this stupid cancer. Well, the count down has begun and I'm not ready for my surgery. Monday will be here before I know it and I have to get myself mentally prepared. My life is about to change but at least I've made it this far. I have to fine the silver lining in every situation. Cancer Sucks!!!


  1. Hello Anglecia, I cam across your page on Instagram. You truly inspire me. I am a breast cancer survivor as well. I was diagnosed with IDC, Stage 2, Grade 3 in my left breast back in March 2013. I opted for a double masectomy as I learned I had the BRCA 1 gene and had surgery on May 10, 2013. It so hard to talk to people about this journey and it is refreshing to see you and hear we have gone through similiar things. For me chemo was the hardest phase of them all. I had 8 cycles every other week and took AC for 4 cycles and then Taxol for the remaining 4. I just completed radiation on December 13, 2013 and feel great that my doctors appointments are winding down. This will forever be apart of my life and some days I feel very emotional about it and others I'm grateful to be alive and able to see my children grow. I hope all goes well and look forwared to your continued posts. Also, what surgery are you about to have?

    1. Hello, I'm sorry but I don't know your name. I've already had my surgery and I had a bilateral modified radical mastectomy. My surgery was on November 11, 2013. I'm so pleased to hear that everything went well for you. As I read, I see you had your surgery on my birthday. At the current moment, I'm experiencing some emotional moments but I'm going to continue to fight. I'm just tired of being sick.

    2. Hi Anglecia,

      Glad to hear back from you. My name is LaQuitia, I'm 35 and from Brooklyn, NY. Thank you and I know how you feel. You've made it this far, the fight is almost over. I have my resconstruction coming up in June/July. I'm nervous about surgery but look forward to all of this being over with. I have to decide when to have my ovaries removed. That is not something I look forward to. I still would like to have 1 more child ( I have 2 boys- 12 and 5) so I want a girl. I will have to see how that works out as my body is not completely recovered from chemo. I still have neuropathy in my hands and feet. Your strength will continue to increase. Hang in there and never feel in a way about being emotional. This was the fight of your life. Within time you will bounce back and not feel as sick. I just returned to work full time and it feels great. It's my distraction from those negative thoughts that sometimes creep in my head.

  2. Hello LaQuitia,

    My BRCA test came back negative. I'm the only one in my family, that I know of, that has been diagnosed with breast cancer. I have a son who is 8 and will be 9 on the 31st of this month. I'm undecided about having or wanting more children. With going through all of this, I'm just ready to live my life and enjoy. I'm currently not working but I'm released to go back. I'm just waiting to hear back from my HR department to discuss what I have to do to return as far as paperwork. I'm really bored and I'm thinking way to much. I do cry often and it fells good. Me and my friends are praying for you as well. I start my next chapter on Monday, radiation treatments. I still have to receive chemo, Herceptin only, every three weeks and I have to start Tamoxifen after my radiation treatments are completed.

    1. That is great news Anglecia, I have so many worries knowing that I am BRCA positive. Mainly for my boys. Awwww, sending him an early Happy Birthday and I hope you all enjoy his day. I am the same way at times. I'm conflicted at times but mostly out of fear. I made a promise to myself not to give up on things out of fear anymore. I'm blessed to have my 2 and continue to go back and forth. It's a hard decision to make. My body has been through the ringer. I hope it all works out for your employment. It truly is a distractor. It does feel good to get those cries out. It relieves alot of stress for me at times as I feel like I hold alot in to be strong for my husband and kids. Thank you so much, I am praying for you as well. Best of luck with your treatments. Radiation is nothing like chemo, that was a walk in the park for me. It's just going everyday thats annoying. I will continue to keep you and your family in my prayers and will continue to follow your journey. Thanks for giving me an outlet to discuss all of this.

      Best Wishes,

