Thursday, January 9, 2014


December 27, 2013, today I received my last fill for my expanders and I also have a physical therapy appointment. I started to experience some swelling and pain in my left hand and some unusual lumps in my left arm, which turned out to be the onset of lymphedema. I discussed this with my physical therapist and she did my usual arm treatments to reduce the fluid build-up and it helped. I also received a compression sleeve and a gauntlet today. These items are used to keep the swelling down in my left arm and hand. I'm going to get fitted to receive two custom sleeves and gauntlets. One so that I can wear during the day and one that I can sleep in at night. Lymphedema is another disease that is incurable but it is treatable. Now I'm faced with another battle to fight but it isn't as bad as chemo. 

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