Tuesday, January 7, 2014

5th Chemo Treatment

September 20, 2013, back to my usual schedule and I must say that time is really moving fast. Today went as every other treatment and I'm ready to endure the side-effects to come. As the days went on, the symptoms kicked in and I began to fight. I fought and fought but this treatment got the best of me, I was really sick. On September 28, 2013, my body began to ache, I could barely walk, and I was feeling extremely weak, so I paged my doctor. I was instructed to go the emergency room, so I did. On top of the previous symptoms, I was experiencing some shortness of breath also. I had to get a CT Scan with contrast, EKG, Chest X-Ray, and blood work. All of my test came back normal except for my blood work. My electrolytes were extremely low, so I had to receive IV fluids, potassium, and magnesium. I started crying and I told my family that I don't want to receive my sixth chemo treatment. I'm tired, my body is tired, but I know that I've came too far to try to give up now. I just pray that I make it through my last harsh cycle, not just by living, but also by not suffering from the pain. 

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