Thursday, January 9, 2014

Thank You

December 30, 2013, I decided to cook for my Dunbar Poet ladies to say thank you. These wonderful amazing women went out of their way to host the happy hour fundraiser and I had to give something back to them. I couldn't do much, but I could cook and I knew they liked to eat. Dinner was at my house at 6pm and of course, they all were late. The dinner was themed, we all had to wear onesis's and we had a blast. This was truly a night full of laughs, drinking, eating, and dancing. I couldn't have asked God to place a better group of women in my life as he already did. I'm truly blessed. 

1 comment:

  1. So happy for you! You are in my prayers. I am nearby in Columbia and being treated by JHU. Surgery is Tuesday and just had my MRI last night. It's becoming more real but your transparencies gives me strength. Thank you!
