Wednesday, January 8, 2014

My Job

November 13, 2013, more bad news. Today I received a letter in the mail from my job stating that FMLA only covers me until November 26, 2013 due to me exhausting my time. I got really upset but there wasn't anything that I could do since I couldn't return back to work until January 6, 2014. Instead of letting this get the best of me, I did my research to make sure that my job wasn't doing anything illegal and then I sought out for resources to get help. I'm not the type of person to just sit around and not do anything, so I wasn't going to let this get the best of me. I saw this as another opportunity that God has placed in my path to make me stronger. Financially I was okay, so I decided to just let this be until I got released from my doctor. I'm going to get my job back. I'm claiming it. 

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