Thursday, August 21, 2014

New Boobs

August 6, 2014, today I will be having my reconstruction surgery.  Back in April, I couldn't have my surgery due to me developing a blood clot but now I can.  I was extremely nervous this time because I wasn't ready to be in pain again.  This surgery was scheduled to be 6-8 hours long. The procedure that I was having done is called the DIEP Flap.  My plastic surgeon will be reconstructing the fat with its blood vessels and some of my skin from my tummy to give me new boobs.  I was told that only a few doctors are able to perform this surgery and I was blessed with one that could.  I recovered greatly from the surgery and in less than 24 hours, I was walking around.  I had to remain in the hospital for three days to recover.  With only knowing about the chemo part of my breast cancer journey, I didn't expect for the reconstruction to be this extensive.  I have to have 2-3 touch up surgeries/procedures performed to make my new boobs look as natural as possible.  My next procedure is scheduled for December 8, 2014 and I can honestly say, I can't wait.  So far, I'm loving the results, and I'm excited to have my new life, new boobs, and new tummy.  My journey isn't over just yet. To be continued...

Last Chemo Treatment #18

June 20, 2014, the end has finally arrived.  I received my last chemo treatment today, Yes! I'm filled with so much joy.  This has truly been a long year.  It felt great to see all of the nurses smiling faces today. Everyone gave me hugs, smiles, and gifts. I defeated the poison that helped me and destroyed me. I fought through all of the horrible side effects of my many chemo drugs, to be able to say, I Made It! Since this day was so special to me, I asked all of my followers, friends, and family to wear pink again in support of me and I called this day, Glee's Pink Friday.  Today was truly a celebration. I held back as many tears as I possibly could but eventually I broke down. I couldn't stop smiling as the many tears of gratefulness rolled down my face. I defeated a horrible disease that was supposed to kill me but it didn't.  God wasn't ready for me so now it's time for me to live.  My new life awaits me. 

Red Devils 5k

June 8, 2014, today Kelly and I are participating in the Red Devils 5k race to help support families with breast cancer.  This was one of the many organizations that helped me financially during my journey.  I felt honored to be able to participate in this 5k because it showed me that I've made it to the finish line. This organization is called the Red Devils because of one of the chemo medications. I was shocked to see that this organization turnout wasn't as big or even bigger than Susan G. Komen due to them giving funds directly to the patients as apposed to SGK giving money to research.  Well, the turnout was nice, I didn't run the entire race, I walked some, but Kelly and I had an awesome time.  It felt good to be able to give back.

Susan G Komen "Race for The Cure"

April 13, 2014, today is the day that I will be running in the Susan G. Komen Race for The Cure for breast cancer patients in Ocean City, MD.  I was so excited to be here because I never ran a 5k before and I was ready. With being a breast cancer survivor, I participated in the "Survivors Parade," enjoyed the many give a ways at the "Survivors Tent," and had the opportunity to meet one of the organizations that helped me financially throughout my journey. As the race began, I got nervous, even though I trained for this. As I ran, I felt so proud. It felt amazing to feel like my normal self again after the battle that I faced the year before.  I ran, I smiled, and I admired the strength and support of the other runners and my friends. After completing 2.5 miles non-stop, I began to get tired, but I didn't give up, I kept running.  I completed  the race, my first 5k in 34 minutes. Besides kicking cancer's ass and winning, this moment felt just as good. Cancer can take so much away but it feels even greater when you get everything plus more back. Today was a blessing. 

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

13th Chemo Treatment

March 7, 2014, it's that time again as always, chemo number thirteen. This chemo treatment I had a guest with me, my good friend Sink. Sink is one of the many people who went out of there way to help me during my journey. I wanted him to attend this chemo treatment with me so that he can get a visual of what I actually go through. A lot of my friends read what I post about my treatments but actually being with me is different. When it was time for me to go and see my oncologist during my treatment, he accompanied me to that appointment as well. As my oncologist went over everything with me, he stated that I will be starting a new medication today, called Tamoxifen. My oncologist gave me this look because he know that I don't like taking medication but I have to in order to prevent my cancer from coming back. As he went over the side-effects to the medication, I couldn't help but to be impressed at how active Sink was involved with receiving the information as well. Throughout my journey, God has placed some wonderful people in my life, and I truly appreciate each and every one of them. My friends rock.

Time To Party

March 1, 2014, I can't explain how excited I am. Tonight I'm going out to celebrate my cousin Antoine 30th birthday. As I counted down the days, probably as excited as him, I just couldn't wait. Throughout my journey I was constantly told to avoid crowds of people due to my white blood count being low but tonight I was going to take a risk. As I got dressed, I couldn't stop smiling as the excitement flowed throughout my body. Everything went according to plan. I had a date, I loved my dress, shoes were comfy, accessories on point, and stockings were super sexy. I couldn't believe that I was actually dressed girly and it felt wonderful. I danced, drank, smiled, and lived. I didn't want the night to end.

Last Radiation Treatment

February 25, 2014, today is the day that I've been waiting for, I'm going to ring the bell. I've completed another chapter in my journey and I'm so overly excited. Radiation wasn't near as bad as chemo but I did have my moments. The most annoying part was actually having to go there everyday. Towards the end of my treatments, my skin began to get darker from being burnt from the exposure of the radiation. My doctor informed me that my skin will heel over time and that I might still experience some fatigue but nothing major. As he examined me for one last time, I couldn't do anything but smile. I've come so far in my journey without giving up and I'm still pressing forward. Now on to my next chapter. Radiation, complete! 

3 Month Anniversary

February 19, 2014, today is the day that I celebrate being three months cancer free, yay! No words can explain the joy and happiness that I'm feeling right now. I fought so hard, cried so many tears, and laughed along the way. Everyone was in shock that I beat breast cancer in five months and so was I. With me not knowing much about cancer or ever being exposed to anyone who has had it, I really didn't know what to expect. It was rough fighting the many battles with chemo and my Neulasta injection, but to hear my doctor tell me that I was in remission, made everything worth it. I'm blessed beyond measures and so grateful. I'm truly proud to say, I'm Glee and Cancer Didn't Stand A Chance! 

12th Chemo Treatment

February 14, 2014, Happy Valentine's Day, and yes, today is a chemo day for me. I was supposed to have a guest with me today, but due to the snow storm, I attended chemo alone, again. My treatment today wasn't bad and my numbers were trying to increase but not as much as I would've liked. I've started to notice that every time I have to receive a treatment I become sad. Sad because, once again, the mental thought of knowing that I'm still sick kicked in, but I am becoming healthier. My hair and nails have been growing a lot and I'm starting to regain some energy. Nothing amazing happened at chemo today so I really don't have much to talk about. Overall, today was a good day.


Sunday, February 2, 2014

11th Chemo Treatment

January 24, 2014, today I received my eleventh chemo treatment and I was so tired. I received my eighth radiation treatment earlier today and now it was time for this. As I waited patiently, I finally got called into the back. This was the first time I had an evening appointment and it was very empty for a Friday afternoon. Once I entered the back, I was given my medications to take by mouth and then the nurse was going to collect my blood. As she began to setup, she told me that she was recently diagnosed with breast cancer and my heart dropped. Every time someone tells me they have cancer, of any type, I get sad. This disease is horrible and life changing. As she discussed her treatment plan with me, I could sense that she was hurting. She then asked me questions about my course of treatment and I told her everything. She told me that she hasn't discussed this with any other patient but my strength inspired her to tell me and I felt honored. Once my treatment was over, she told me that I wouldn't be seeing her on my next visit. I told her not to worry, fight, and that God will guide her along the way. Cancer is ruining so many wonderful lives. 

1st Radiation Treatment

January 15, 2014, today was my first radiation treatment and I was mentally ready. The nurses took some more measurements and drew more markings on my body again. As I laid on the table, my mind began to wonder and before it got out of control, it was over. The machine scanned my left chest area along with my armpit. It was easy and painless. This appointment was the best. After today, I have to come everyday, Monday-Friday, to receive my treatments. So far, this is the easiest part of my journey. I'm smiling. 

No Radiation Today

January 13, 2014, today I was suppose to receive my first radiation treatment but it didn't happen. I had to get refitted for the radiation machine due to my fillers having too much fluid in them. I had to go back to Plastic Surgery to have them extract 50cc of fluid from my right filler, which was very easy and painless. Apart of me was a little disappointed but I wasn't mentally ready anyway. As I come closer to the end of my journey, I'm becoming very mentally tired. I'm not ready for my skin to be burned and sore, or for me to start feeling fatigue. I've come so far in my journey but it still feels so long. 

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Thank You

December 30, 2013, I decided to cook for my Dunbar Poet ladies to say thank you. These wonderful amazing women went out of their way to host the happy hour fundraiser and I had to give something back to them. I couldn't do much, but I could cook and I knew they liked to eat. Dinner was at my house at 6pm and of course, they all were late. The dinner was themed, we all had to wear onesis's and we had a blast. This was truly a night full of laughs, drinking, eating, and dancing. I couldn't have asked God to place a better group of women in my life as he already did. I'm truly blessed. 

Radiation Fitting

January 3, 2014, after my tenth chemo treatment, I headed to my next appointment. Today I had to get fitted so that I could start my radiation treatments on Monday, January 13, 2014. My treatments are five days a week, thirty minutes a day, for five weeks. This is my next chapter in my journey and it is moving quite fast. As I laid on the table while my measurements were being taken, apart of me still can't believe that I had breast cancer. So after being poked, scanned, and molded, I was finished. Today was a very emotional day but still I smile.

10th Chemo Treatment

January 3, 2014, Happy New Year! Today was not a good day. For the past two weeks, I felt like my normal old self again and I had a blast. Not a thought went through my mind about me being sick because I didn't feel like I was sick. I was back, back at the place where I allowed the people to administer poison into my body. Yup, chemo. So as I waited for my lab results to come back, I enjoyed my usual breakfast, that I could actually taste, and I began to cry. I cried because I was tired and frustrated. I feel great, I mean extremely great but for me to mentally know that I'm sick, is starting to get the best of me. It was easier for me to accept that I was sick when I felt it but accepting it now, was way more difficult. My results came back and my numbers were low. Fuck!!! I had to mentally get myself together because the fight must continue. Since my white blood cell count was low, I have to be extra caution of germs by washing my hands more frequently, avoiding crowds of people, wearing a mask outside, and trying not to get any cuts. My red blood cell count was low also, so I have to intake more iron rich foods before it drops too low and I have to get a blood transfusion and we all know how I feel about that. Also, my potassium was low, I take medication for that but I have to increase my potassium intake with potassium rich foods. Yup, I'm back at playing, "What can I do to Increase My Numbers" and I'm getting really tired of losing. I took a deep breath, got myself together, and told myself "You got this!" You've come to far to give up now," and "God has your back." At that moment I realized that the fight must go on. I refuse to lose again. I'm going to win and I smiled.


December 27, 2013, today I received my last fill for my expanders and I also have a physical therapy appointment. I started to experience some swelling and pain in my left hand and some unusual lumps in my left arm, which turned out to be the onset of lymphedema. I discussed this with my physical therapist and she did my usual arm treatments to reduce the fluid build-up and it helped. I also received a compression sleeve and a gauntlet today. These items are used to keep the swelling down in my left arm and hand. I'm going to get fitted to receive two custom sleeves and gauntlets. One so that I can wear during the day and one that I can sleep in at night. Lymphedema is another disease that is incurable but it is treatable. Now I'm faced with another battle to fight but it isn't as bad as chemo. 

Happy Hour Fundraiser

December 23, 2013, today was the last Monday for my happy hour and I was ready to turn-up. I wasn't able to attend the other happy hours due to me being sick and not fully recovered from my surgery. It felt so good to see so many people that I haven't seen since high school and they all came out to support me. We all laughed, drank, ate, acted silly, danced, and played pool. I couldn't have asked for a better night. I had a blast. 

9th Chemo Treatment

December 13, 2013, today I received my ninth chemo treatment of Herceptin and it was smooth sailing. I was so happy today because my good friend Mario attended chemo with me and we were acting so silly. I enjoy sharing my chemo moments with my close friends so that they can get a clear sense of what I actually go through. All of my numbers came back great so today was definitely a good day. After chemo, me and Mario hung-out in White Marsh and got caught-up with what was going on in each of our personal lives. I love my friends to death. They Rock! 

Time To Get Filled

November 27, 2013, today I will receive my first fill in my tissue expanders. My plastic surgeon suggested that I receive 300cc of fluid to stretch my muscle to receive a desired size of C cup implants. Today I will be receiving 100cc and every Friday, I will be receiving and additional 50cc until I reach 300cc. To fill my expanders, a needle was placed inside my chest to my expander. A magnetic device is used to find the precise location to insert the needle. Also, the needle was slightly pulled out of the expander, to reach my chest wall cavity, to remove any excess fluid build-up. Since my chest was still numb from my surgery, I didn't feel anything. 

8th Chemo Treatment / Drainage Tubes

November 22, 2013, today I will be receiving my eighth chemo treatment (Herceptin only) and having my drainage tubes removed from my chest, I'm nervous as hell. All I could think about is the pain that I'm about to endure from the tubes being removed. I had two drainage tubes, one on each side of my breast area, to collect the excess fluid build-up in my chest cavity. I had to drain each bulb daily to keep track of the amount of fluid that accumulated but my right drain wasn't draining properly. Even though all of the fluid  wasn't excreted from my body via the drains, I had to get a needle inserted into the cavity to remove it. As I waited patiently and nervously for this to happen, I calmed myself by thinking of other things. Once it was time to have my drains removed, I was ready. It turned out not to be as bad as I expected. I was happy. No More Tubes!!!

Physical Therapy

December 6, 2013, today I went to see my breast surgeon for a follow-up to see how I was recovering from my surgery. Due to the surgery, I lost some of my range of motion in my left arm because of the twenty lymph nodes that were removed. She asked me to lift both of my arms above my head and I could barely hold my left arm up straight. She told me that I was "cording", which is caused from the lymph nodes being removed, so I had to start physical therapy. I now go to physical therapy once a week and my range of motion is improving. I didn't realize how important it is to be able to move your arms at full range until I was unable to do so. 


November 18, 2013, throughout my journey, there has been three fundraisers raised in my honor to help out with my medical and living expenses due to me exhausting all of my sick and personal time at work. I alleviated some of my expenses by seeking help from breast cancer programs but that wasn't enough. My cousin Starr raised funds via a webpage called "Give Forward" and she also held a bake sale. My classmates from Dunbar hosted a happy hour every Monday starting from November 25, 2013 until December 23, 2013 to raise funds as well. Also, many of my followers from Instagram mailed and Western Union donations. I am so blessed to have these wonderful people in my life. I appreciate each and everyone who was able to make a donation. My team rock. #teamglee

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Cancer Free

November 19, 2013, I received a phone call today from my breast surgeon. I've been waiting for about five days now to get the results from my pathology report. As my doctor began to speak, I could tell by her tone, that she was smiling on the other end. She began to say that she got my results from my report and that I no longer have any cancer in my body, we got it all, you are now in Remission. I was so happy that I began to cry. I am so proud of myself for fighting everyday and giving cancer a good ass whipping. I beat cancer in five months but my journey wasn't over. 

My Job

November 13, 2013, more bad news. Today I received a letter in the mail from my job stating that FMLA only covers me until November 26, 2013 due to me exhausting my time. I got really upset but there wasn't anything that I could do since I couldn't return back to work until January 6, 2014. Instead of letting this get the best of me, I did my research to make sure that my job wasn't doing anything illegal and then I sought out for resources to get help. I'm not the type of person to just sit around and not do anything, so I wasn't going to let this get the best of me. I saw this as another opportunity that God has placed in my path to make me stronger. Financially I was okay, so I decided to just let this be until I got released from my doctor. I'm going to get my job back. I'm claiming it. 

I've Lost My Breast but Not My Smile

November 11, 2013, today is the big day, oh boy. It was weird because I wasn't nervous, I didn't cry, or have any negative thoughts, I was ready. I had my team with me and it was huge. The office was extremely busy this morning and of course they got a little behind. As I entered the operating room, my team was ready and so was I. All I remember from that point on was counting down from ten and then I woke-up in the recovery room. My surgery was for five hours but it felt like five minutes. I had both of my breast removed and twenty lymph nodes removed from my left armpit. I looked around and I said, I made it. Now it was time to heal and I smiled. 


November 8, 2013, today I was excited because it was my high school homecoming and I've been planning on going for months. As I went to get the mail, I noticed that I received a letter from my doctor office. I opened my mail and it was my lab results. Due to my white blood cell count being low, I couldn't attend my homecoming, I was pissed. I could have worn a mask but I didn't want to take that risk of getting sick due to me having to have surgery on Monday. So, instead of me feeling down, I had some visitors to brighten my day. Got to love that Poet Pride. Dunbar Poets class of 2000.


November 4, 2013, today I went to the hospital for my pre-op appointment. The nurse began to look over my paperwork to see what test I've already completed so that she wouldn't be performing the same test twice. As she reviewed the results, she stated to me that I was anemic. I'm really getting tired of having all of these health problems from this stupid cancer. Well, the count down has begun and I'm not ready for my surgery. Monday will be here before I know it and I have to get myself mentally prepared. My life is about to change but at least I've made it this far. I have to fine the silver lining in every situation. Cancer Sucks!!!